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Icon cpu280.txt 18,536 2017/2/24 [16:19:00] Article on CPU280 for TCJ | 16. September 1991, Tilmann Reh | 06. October 1998: revised for Thomas Scherrer
Icon CPU280_(G)IDE_a_compilation_from_TCJ_pages.pdf 2,952,307 2017/1/25 [20:13:50]
Icon CPU280_Handbuch_und_Historie_(ger_bw_ocr).pdf 2,433,065 2018/3/20 [09:44:16] Collection of information by Tilmann Reh send to us including hardwarebook, short info for the operating system and historie informations. (german text)
Icon CPU280_Handbuch_und_Historie_(ger_gray_ocr).pdf 17,072,725 2018/3/20 [09:44:16] Zusammenstellung der Schreiben von Tilmann Reh - Hardware-Handbuch (210690), Kurz-Information zum Betriebssystem (231090) und aeltere Texte.
Icon CPU280_Jumper.pdf 1,098,835 2017/7/6 [13:16:38]
Icon 1,541,491 2017/7/6 [13:16:12] .pdf and .docx file with informations and sheets
Icon vcfe5_cpu280_EN-1.pdf 2,896,778 2017/1/30 [19:12:56] The Concept of the REH CPU280 Lecture by Helmut Jungkunz as PDF file
Icon 2,128,800 2017/1/30 [19:12:56] The Concept of the REH CPU280 Lecture by Helmut Jungkunz original a .pps - powerpoint file

Directory contains 30,142,537 bytes in 8 files.
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