Icon |
Filename |
Bytes |
Date/Time |
Description |
../ |
dazzler/ |
nzcom/ |
os9/ |
other/ |
TurboDos/ |
z3plus/ |
zcpr/ |
!1streadme.txt |
1,328 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
1540a_um.pdf |
1,492,022 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Adaptec 1540/42 manual |
3M_Diskette_Reference_Manual-83-5.pdf |
1,507,850 |
2017/11/10 [11:22:16] |
ACCU1_apple_clone.zip |
20,281,322 |
2018/3/19 [22:08:48] |
ACCU 1 ( APPLE Compatible Computer Unit ) als Bausatz. Der ACCU 1 besitzt 7 Steckplaetze fuer Erweiterungskarten. Auf den 8.Slot des Apple II konnte verzichtet werden. Dieser Steckplatz (Slot 0) diente nur zur Aufruestung einer 48KB-Maschine auf 64KB mittels einer sogenannten "Language Card". Der 64K ACCU 1 benutzt die obersten 12KB als Language Card |
ada.pdf |
2,881,393 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
A (Ada) Compiler User's Manual Release 3.00 1984 by Maranatha Software Systems and SuperSoft, Inc. |
adios-81.pdf |
1,261,223 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Apple disk interface and operating system reference manual |
ampex230_125.pdf |
2,755,718 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Ampex Videoterminal User's manual |
12,201,454 |
2017/1/13 [17:02:38] |
ZX81 - Assembler/Disassembler im ROM | ASZMIC ist ein direkter Ersatz fuer das BASIC ROM im ZX 8| Handbuch und BIN |
basf6138_bw.pdf |
415,632 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
BASF 6135 Mini disk drives specification Spec.Nr. 80307-058 |
basf6138_grew.pdf |
3,710,136 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
grayscale |
Basic_fuer_Microcomputer_(Feichtiger)_(300_color).pdf |
13,371,761 |
2016/5/6 [12:47:30] |
(Das kleine Praktikum) Basic fuer Mikrocomputer: Geraete, Begriffe, Befehle, Programme |
Basic_fuer_Microcomputer_(Feichtiger)_(300_gr).pdf |
12,487,722 |
2016/5/6 [12:35:14] |
Basic_fuer_Microcomputer_(Feichtiger)_(bw_full).pdf |
10,666,532 |
2016/5/6 [10:36:40] |
BASIS108_manual_german_bad_quality.7z |
11,166,538 |
2017/1/15 [09:16:34] |
BASIS 108 was an apple II clone. |
bdsc-guide.pdf |
805,767 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
BDSC manual |
bdsc_with_cover_and_binder.pdf |
1,784,996 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Same as above |
BuildYourOwnZ80.pdf |
14,624,007 |
2016/12/8 [15:05:22] |
ccpm86prg.pdf |
7,223,512 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Siemens Betriebssystem Concurrent CP/M-86 Programmers Referrence Guide |
ccpm86ug.pdf |
4,634,097 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Siemens Betriebssystem Concurrent CP/M-86 Benutzeranleitung (Users's Guide) |
cobol_release4_bw.pdf |
6,330,557 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
COBOL User's Guide - Reference Manual - Utility Software Manual Release 4 |
cpm-faq.txt |
80,571 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Frequent Questions and Answers |
cpm3-pgr.pdf |
431,640 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
CP/M Plus Programmers Guide |
cpm3-sys.pdf |
383,188 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
CP/M PLus System Guide |
cpm3-usr.pdf |
374,503 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
CP/M Plus Users's Guide |
cpm86pg.pdf |
2,139,460 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Siemens CP/M-86 Programmiernleitung (Programmer's Guide) |
cpm86_systemguide_ger_bw.pdf |
3,286,101 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
cpm8k_programmers_guide.pdf |
12,811,514 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
CP/M 8000 Programmer's Guide by Digital Research |
cpm8k_system_guide.pdf |
4,768,647 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
CP/M 8000 System Guide by Digital Research |
cpm8k_users_guide.pdf |
6,841,341 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
CP/M 8000 User's Guide by Digital Research |
cpm_systemguide.pdf |
8,215,832 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
CP/M Summary Guide for Version 1.4 & 2.0 |
CPM_und_Wordstar_(ger_ocr).pdf |
4,901,072 |
2018/8/29 [15:22:50] |
cref-80.pdf |
268,986 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Microsoft CREF-80 Cross Reference Facility Software Reference Manual for Heath / Zenith 8-bit digital computersystems |
Crosstalk_XVI.pdf |
9,301,569 |
2016/1/7 [18:51:22] |
Crosstalk is the most sophisticated, powerful, and flexible communications program available for 16-bit computers. |
DATAMEGA-MP300.pdf |
2,028,716 |
2016/1/7 [19:35:38] |
Alphanumerisches Kleindruckersystem auf metallisiertem Papier mit Aussteuerelektronik Serie MP 300 Datamega KG. Im Drucker laeuft das Metallpapier mit der Metallseite ueber eine grossflaechige,zylindrische Elektrode und der Druckkopf mit seinen sieben Gegenelektroden gleitet mit geringem Druck ueber die Metallflaeche. Wird an die Elektroden eine Spannung gelegt, so verdampft das Metall in der naechsten Umgebung der Elektroden und eine Kontrastschicht wird sichtbar. Damit ist eine hohe Druckgeschwindigkeit bei aeusserster Geraeuscharmut zu erreichen. Die Zeichen werden aus einer 7 x 5 Punktmatrix zusammengesetzt.Das Druckwerk selbst kann voellig getrennt von der notwendigen Elektronik angeordnet werden. |
dec5000_bedien_ger.pdf |
4,889,568 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
DECstation 5000 Modell 240 Bedienungsanleitung (german language) |
dec5000_install_ger.pdf |
1,441,971 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
DECstation 5000 Modell 240 Installationsanleitung (german language) |
dec_ba42_ori.pdf |
4,842,113 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
DEC BA42 Storage Expansion Box - Installation Guide |
disk-imaging-vcfe-2014.pdf |
11,219,328 |
2018/1/29 [15:53:06] |
Disk-Imaging-Techniques using ImageDisk & Catweasel Controller. |
disk_service_manual_III.pdf |
5,921,674 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
DRI_Micronotes_Vol2_1,2,3_(300).pdf |
16,499,134 |
2015/5/2 [15:51:16] |
MicroNotes is a newsletter published bi-monthly for the technical community of Digital Research customers. This newsletter provides technical information on Digital Research products, explanations of support programs, announcements of new product releases, questions and answers, application notes, lists of available application notes, patches and revision tables |
DRI_Micronotes_Vol2_1,2,3_bw_full.pdf |
4,823,342 |
2015/5/2 [18:55:38] |
DRI_Micronotes_Vol2_1,2,3_full.pdf |
64,739,317 |
2015/5/2 [15:49:30] |
eco-c.pdf |
1,675,028 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Manual of the Eco-C C Compiler |
eisabook.pdf |
2,795,552 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
EISA System Architekture |
expander_manual_(bw).pdf |
1,191,663 |
2017/11/16 [08:18:22] |
expander_manual_(gray).pdf |
6,553,056 |
2017/11/16 [08:17:40] |
EXP_MOD_1_Docu_finished.zip |
44,561,034 |
2017/2/15 [22:53:52] |
The Expander Model 1. This is the reworked version for better reading. (1981 by Micro-Expander,Inc.) |
EXP_MOD_1_Docu_ori.zip |
71,344,388 |
2017/2/15 [22:53:42] |
The Expander Model 1 or even called Micro Expander | Manual and Monitor Listing as from the webarchive as EXP_MOD_1_Documentation. Sadly the original scan is turned clockwise for scanning. (1981 by Micro-Expander, Inc.) |
FD1165_maintanance_manual.pdf |
3,066,469 |
2017/7/30 [16:46:48] |
gosy_bw_ger.pdf |
5,643,242 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
G0SY-Graphical Output Systeme |
hp_floppydisk_7209xx.pdf |
3,848,925 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Hewlett Packard 7902A & C/9895K Flexible Disc Drive Service Documentation |
KOOP_85.pdf |
2,283,961 |
2015/12/18 [18:40:02] |
Einplatinencomputer KOOP 85.1 mit CPU 8085 |
lib-80.pdf |
82,036 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Microsoft LIB-80 Library manager - CP/M Version - Software Reference Manual |
link-80.pdf |
173,953 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Microsoft Link-80 Loader - CP/M Version - Software Reference Manual |
lync.pdf |
11,269,096 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Data Communications Program Version 3.0 Copyright (C) 1982,83 Midnight Software ( CP/M Z-00 version ) |
macro-80.pdf |
730,082 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Microsoft Macro-80 Assembler - CP/M Version |
micropro-primer.pdf |
18,922,153 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
This Primer is intended to serve as an introduction for the nonspecialist to the micro-PROLGG system, which is implemented for microcomputers based on the Z80 Microprocessor and the CP/M Operating System. The primer is a companion volume of the micro-PROLOG Programmer's Reference manual 1981, which gives a complete description of the system but assumes knowledge of PROLOG programming as covered by this primer. |
Microprocessor_Interface_Techniken_(blue_ger_bw_ocr).pdf |
19,060,837 |
2018/7/17 [15:07:56] |
Microprocessor_Interface_Techniken_(blue_gray_noocr).pdf |
78,826,168 |
2018/7/17 [15:08:32] |
Microprocessor_Interface_Techniken_(ger_bw_ocr_300).pdf |
21,865,082 |
2016/10/13 [20:32:00] |
Microprocessor_Interface_Techniken_(ger_ocr_full).pdf |
53,180,084 |
2016/10/13 [20:38:00] |
microprolog.pdf |
19,857,566 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
micro-PROLOG 2.12 Programmer's Reference Manual CP/M Version F.G.McCabe Revised Second Edition |
microprolog_bw.pdf |
2,612,708 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
microshell_bw_eng.pdf |
3,462,491 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
MICROSHELL UNIX Features for CP/M User's Manual Version 2.0 December 9, 1982 |
mic_ger_bw.pdf |
3,997,570 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Manual of the MI-C COMPILER (german language) |
milestone.pdf |
12,916,205 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
A Project Management and Time Schedulling Programm by Organic Software |
mkc_cpuii.pdf |
1,801,674 |
2017/6/9 [10:34:30] |
Michels & Kleberhoff Computer - Wuppertal | Einplatinen-Computer auf einfach Europakarte | Technisches Handbuch zur CPU II und FDC II ECB-Karte. |
Montezuma_Micro_Hard_Disk_Support_for_CPM_2-2.pdf |
101,465 |
2017/10/8 [12:11:00] |
Document Source is HARDRIVE.DOC from MMRSHD.DSK |
montezuma_system_programmers_guide_trs80m4.pdf |
3,466,090 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
move-it.pdf |
1,900,648 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
MOVE-IT(tm) USER'S MANUAL - For version 3.0 November, 1982 |
muMATH_for_TRS-80.pdf |
1,991,664 |
2017/1/13 [14:35:50] |
muMATH sold my microsoft for the TRS-80 Modell1 |
NASCOM_Adendum_25501F.pdf |
1,018,074 |
2016/1/7 [19:45:18] |
ADDENDUM to: SYSTEM SOFTWARE MANUAL, Revision 2.1 North Star Computers, Inc. July 11,1980. This addendum describes the new features which have been added to North Star System Software since Release 5.0, which is described in Revision 2.1 of the SYSTEM SOFTWARE MANUAL. |
NASCOM_ZEAP_1.0.pdf |
3,516,407 |
2016/1/7 [21:04:42] |
Z80 Editor Assembler Package for the NASCOM 1 computer. ZEAP (Z-80 Editor/Assembler Package) is a memory resident text editor and symbolic assembler designed for use with the NASCOM 1 microcomputer. |
nevada-cobol_ger_bw.pdf |
2,699,503 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Nevada_Edit_Manual_CPM_(color_singlepage_ocr).pdf |
4,191,218 |
2018/3/15 [22:35:20] |
Nevada_Edit_Manual_CPM_final.pdf |
15,116,658 |
2018/3/15 [22:35:22] |
NEVADA EDIT - A TEXT EDITOR FOR CP/M - Users' Reference Manual 1981 by Ellis Computing, Inc. (this pdf was given by a friend, I added the ocr'd PDFs for fun). |
Nevada_Edit_Manual_CPM_final_ocr.pdf |
4,635,296 |
2018/3/15 [22:35:20] |
newsletter_mar82.pdf |
541,621 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
The SOFT WAREHOUSE Newsletter - Aloha from Hawaii march 1982 |
NorthStar_Horizon_ELCOMP_(gray).pdf |
5,771,517 |
2016/1/7 [21:41:10] |
Northstar Horizont vorgestellt in der ELCOMP als 'Computer des Monats'. |
NorthStar_MDS-D_REV-2.pdf |
2,523,934 |
2016/1/7 [22:29:30] |
The North Star Micro-Disk System (MDS-A-D) is a complete floppy disk system for use with S-100 bus computers. The system includes the disk controller board, one floppy disk drive, power regulation, cables, software and documentation. |
northstar_softdoc.pdf |
6,421,564 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
O&R_Byte-Wide-Karte.pdf |
885,377 |
2016/1/8 [10:19:10] |
Byte-Wide-Karte vorgestellt in mc-hard 7/1983 von Oettle & Reichler |
olivetti_programma-101.pdf |
3,740,328 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Programma 101 is a completely self-contained desk-top machine capable of operating in manual mode as a high speed electronic printing calculator, in programm mode as an automatic computer. |
omti10a.pdf |
4,880,710 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
os2bym$.jpg |
40,091 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Panasonic_JU455_5_ApplicationManual_compress.pdf |
3,720,983 |
2016/12/14 [18:30:02] |
Panasonic_JU455_5_ServiceManual_compress.pdf |
4,405,916 |
2016/12/14 [18:30:04] |
partner_rc750_bw_ger.pdf |
2,217,252 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Rc750 PARTNER Installationsanleitung. Stichworte: Rc750 'PARTNER 1 Installation, Instandhaltung, Programme, Hardware. Die Anleitung beschreibt die Installation und Inbetriebnahme des Systems, hierunter die Installation des Betriebssystems, die Konfigurierung der Systemparameter und die Installation der Anwenderprogramme . Weiter wird die Modulmontage mit Hinblick auf den Einbau zusaetzlicher Flektronikkarten , sowie die Fehlersuche und Beseitigung von Fehlern beschrieben. |
pbas-tutor.pdf |
2,922,278 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Siemens P-Basic Interpreter. This is an tutorial for the Digital Research interpretive Basic system, Personal BASIC(TM) |
Philips_PM4400.pdf |
2,004,678 |
2017/6/19 [13:22:10] |
Philips_PM4400_(300_gray).pdf |
2,719,386 |
2017/6/19 [13:22:10] |
port386.pdf |
47,551 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Some info about the COMPAQ Portable 386 Microcomputer |
portiii.pdf |
38,491 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Some info about the COMPAQ Portable III Microcomputer |
readme.txt |
1,328 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
rts-80_ger.pdf |
1,509,752 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Bitsch Computersystem- das Z80 System mit UNIX Faehigkeiten fuer 128k CPU-3 von Bitsch |
S-100 Bus Handbook by Dave Bursky.pdf |
20,706,906 |
2017/1/15 [12:51:40] |
SC-MP_Microcomputer-Handbuch_(ger_bw_ocr).pdf |
7,030,745 |
2017/1/9 [21:52:50] |
Im ersten Teil besprechen wir den SC/MP Introkit/Keyboardkit mit seinen praktischen Erweiterungsmoelichkeiten. Dann folgt der Aufbau einer neuen CPU-Karte mit residenten NIBL-BASIC (TINY-BASIC). Fuer die Erstellung groesserer Programme geben wir Ihnen dann die Moeglichkeit, sich selbst eine 4K oder 8K statische, oder 16K dynamische Speicherverwertung zu bauen.Dann folgt der Aufbau eines Cassetteninerfaces, sowie eines billigen Datensichtgeraetes. Einen breiten Raum nehmen auch die Interfaceschaltungen zur Verbindung mit der Aussenwelt ein (A/D D/A Wandler). Computer Musik ist auch ein interessanter Bestandteil. SC/MP => National Semiconductor INS8050, INS8060 |
SC-MP_Microcomputer-Handbuch_(ger_gray).pdf |
40,264,588 |
2017/1/9 [21:52:56] |
SCHURIG_uP-Platte_Z84S_(bw).pdf |
465,022 |
2016/1/9 [08:20:36] |
Die uP-Platte Z 84 S verwendet den sehr leistungsfaehigen Mikroprozessor Z 80. Damit ergeben sich nicht nur einfache Hardwareverhaeltnisse, sondern es kann auch eine relativ kurze und damit preisguenstige Software erzielt werden. Die Z 84 S hat an einer Normsteckleiste 64 Ein- oder Ausgaenge, die beliebig programmiert werden koennen. Es kann auch als Z 80-Spezialitaet auf jeden Eingang eine Interruptfaehigkeit programmiert werden. Damit ist die uP-Platte Z 84 S universell fuer Steuerungen und/oder Rechnungen geeignet. Im Einsatz benoetigt die Z 84 S nur eine 5 V-Versorgung und einen negativen Startimpuls. Auch ein Taktoszillator von ca. 2,5 MHz ist eingebaut. |
SCHURIG_uP-Platte_Z84S_(grau_text_bild).pdf |
1,825,482 |
2016/1/9 [08:24:58] |
SCHURIG_uP-Platte_Z84S_(gray).pdf |
726,538 |
2016/1/9 [08:24:10] |
scopy_ger.pdf |
2,416,262 |
2017/6/7 [11:23:22] |
SuperCopy Emulation von MSDOS - und CP/M - Diskettenformaten unter MSDOS Anwenderhandbuch Juli 1988 zur Version 3.09, welche hier im Original vorhanden ist. |
scopy_ger.pdf.old |
2,414,740 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
scopy_ger_2on1.pdf |
11,548,809 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
shugart_80x_bw.pdf |
3,154,699 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Illustrated parts catalog of the SHUGART Series 8000 floppy disk drives |
Siemens_FDD100-5-Schematic.7z |
14,053,760 |
2017/11/21 [17:08:58] |
Siemens_FDD105-5_Operation_Maintanance.pdf |
2,663,114 |
2017/11/21 [17:08:52] |
siemens_fdd200-8p.pdf |
4,413,336 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
This manual provides information on the description, capabilities, operation, and theory of operation information for the Model FDD 2OO-8P Floppy Disk Drive. The contents of this manual are intended to be used for customer introduction to the disk drive, as a training document for customer engineers requiring detailed theory of operation information and for installation and maintenance information. |
Sirius1-CPM86_System_Software_Dokumentation_(bw_300).pdf |
19,251,796 |
2016/9/20 [17:59:04] |
Sirius1-grafix_(bw_300).pdf |
1,731,111 |
2016/9/19 [08:44:40] |
This manual describes the Sirius Grafix Kernel. The kernel is intended to provide a user-friendly interface to the Sirius One Computer and allow for simple utilization Resolution capability of the Computer. |
Sirius1-grafix_(bw_full).pdf |
2,718,693 |
2016/9/19 [08:57:04] |
Sirius1_CPM-86_ReferenceCard.pdf |
617,910 |
2016/9/21 [10:59:04] |
Sirius1_CPM-86_ReferenceCard_bw.pdf |
146,562 |
2016/9/21 [10:59:04] |
sl5.pdf |
2,965,242 |
2017/1/25 [10:54:12] |
System Reference Manual - SL5. | Including at the last page a Review by Arne Henden from Micro Cornucopia, Number 4, February 1982 - Stackwork's FORTH (SL5) is one of the more unusual and interesting implementations of FORTH and it matches FORTH-77 (with some minor differences) instead of FORTH-79... |
slr180_grew.pdf |
2,994,504 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
SLR180 is a powerful relocating macro assembler for Z80 compatible CP/M systems. It takes assembly language source statements from a disk file, converts them into their binary equivalent, and stores the output in either a core-image, Intel hex format, or relocatable object file. The mnemonics recognized are those of Zilog/Hitachi. The optional listing output may be sent to a disk file, the console and/or the printer, in any combination. Output files may also be generated containing cross-reference information on each symbol used. |
slrnk.pdf |
61,064 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Same as above |
supersoft_c_compiler.pdf |
5,879,192 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Super Soft C Compiler User's Manual. Writing the compiler in the language it implements not only has facilitated its development and maintenance but also has provided the most direct means of testing it. It has undergone many other extensive tests including the fact that it is used in most of their programming projects. As a result, SuperSoft C has been tested on tens of thousands of unique lines of C source code. |
TLF-Fernsehbildroehre.pdf |
2,941,735 |
2017/11/24 [05:24:04] |
trace80.pdf |
4,751,382 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Manual of trace-80 - the symbolic debugger written by Lothar Lauterbach - germany |
TRS-80_fortran-80_(bw_300).pdf |
6,472,448 |
2017/4/17 [10:52:44] |
TRS-80_fortran-80_(gray_300).pdf |
8,772,143 |
2017/4/17 [10:52:46] |
TRS-80_Inventory-Control-System_(gray_300).pdf |
3,041,135 |
2017/4/18 [09:51:24] |
TRS-80_M1_RS232_hardware_(bw).pdf |
1,677,291 |
2017/4/20 [16:44:50] |
TRS-80_M1_RS232_hardware_(gray_300).pdf |
19,384,959 |
2017/4/20 [16:44:58] |
TRS-80_M1_RS232_software_(bw).pdf |
1,700,925 |
2017/4/20 [16:44:50] |
TRS-80_M1_RS232_software_(gray_300).pdf |
18,786,391 |
2017/4/20 [16:44:58] |
TRS-80_Projectmanager_(bw_400).pdf |
2,663,528 |
2017/4/17 [10:40:32] |
TRS-80_Projectmanager_(gray_300).pdf |
22,712,904 |
2017/4/17 [10:40:36] |
TRS-80_RSCOBOL_(bw_ocr).pdf |
13,465,491 |
2017/4/18 [06:44:38] |
TRS-80_RSCOBOL_(gray_300).pdf |
23,998,119 |
2017/4/18 [06:44:40] |
TRSDOS_2.1_(bw_400).pdf |
1,926,910 |
2017/4/16 [09:10:30] |
TRSDOS_2.1_(gray_300).pdf |
4,090,700 |
2017/4/16 [09:10:30] |
TRS_80_XYZT_Library_Support_Options.pdf |
927,766 |
2017/4/20 [16:42:52] |
TRS_80_XYZT_RAM_Sledges.pdf |
385,369 |
2017/4/20 [16:42:52] |
turbomodula2_bw.pdf |
25,637,992 |
2016/10/30 [22:32:00] |
This book is a reference manual for the Turrbo Modula-2 system, implemented for the CP/M-80 operating system running on Z80 computers. Although there are many examples throughout the book, this is not a tutorial for Modula-2 programming; a basic knowledge of Modula-2 or Pascal is assumed. [This is a scan of a bad copy I found in my basement.] |
turbomodula2_bw_old.pdf |
18,019,403 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
umtast_ger_grew.pdf |
3,158,544 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Belegung beliebiger Tasten mit beliebigen Zeichen, Sequenzen und Texten auf beliebigen Tastaturen. Ausnutzung von ESC-Sequenzen und Tasten mit Codes >80H neben den Standardtasten und CTRL-Zeichen. Unterschiedliche Umkodierungstabellen fuer jedes Programm. 1982 ELZET80 |
uniform_4_dos.pdf |
2,480,189 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Users's manual for the PC-DOS version of Uniform |
wang_2200_servicemanual.pdf |
9,180,939 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
System Manual - The Wang Model 2200 Advanced Programmable Calculator combines simple keyboard operation with the versatility of BASIC language programming, a compiler language used by many larger scale computer systems. The Model 2200 is essentially a single-user, noninterrupt, microprogrammed system. |
wang_2200_small_but readable.pdf |
7,372,971 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Wang_PC_Programmentwicklungshandbuch_(ger_bw).pdf |
7,554,632 |
2017/1/10 [17:43:40] |
Wang_PC_Programmentwicklungshandbuch_(ger_bw_ocr).pdf |
8,142,026 |
2017/1/10 [17:43:40] |
Beschreibungen der Wang PC Programmentwicklungs-Utilities und fuer den Programmierer nuetzliche technische Daten und Spezifikationen. |
Wang_PC_Technisches_Nachschlage_Handbuch_(ger_bw).pdf |
4,997,533 |
2017/1/10 [19:15:10] |
Wang_PC_Technisches_Nachschlage_Handbuch_(ger_bw_ocr).pdf |
4,221,677 |
2017/1/10 [19:15:08] |
Das Technische Nachschlaqehandbuch fuer den Wang Professional Computer enthaelt technische Informationen ueber Betrieb und Architektur des Professional Computers (PC) von Wang. Dieses Handbuch setzt gruendliche Kenntnisse in Computer-Architektur, einschliesslich Ein-/Ausgabe(E/A)- Schnittstelle und Steuereinheiten voraus und wird fuer Wang PC Benutzer empfohlen, die ein ihren eigenen Erfordernissen entsprechendes Betriebssystem einsetzen wollen. |
Was_ist_ein_Mikroprozessor_(ger_bw_ocr).pdf |
3,717,383 |
2017/2/19 [00:55:04] |
Horst Pelka - Was ist ein Mikroprozessor ? Ueber die Arbeitsweise, Programmierung und Anwendung von Mikrocomputern |
Was_ist_ein_Mikroprozessor_(ger_gray_300.pdf |
65,139,202 |
2017/2/19 [00:55:14] |
wd1000_controller.pdf |
4,229,580 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
WD1000 winchester disk controller |
WD1002-05_HDO_OEM_Manual_Jul83.pdf |
3,035,382 |
2017/4/13 [00:46:00] |
wd1002_controller.pdf |
2,761,050 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
WD1002 winchester disk controller |
ws3-um_ger.pdf |
7,338,230 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Wordstar 3 Benutzerhandbuch |
ws4.pdf |
7,674,197 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
manual Wordstar 4 for CP/M |
Z80-Super_EMUF_Kanis_A6.pdf |
630,316 |
2016/1/8 [14:03:30] |
Z80-Super_EMUF_Kanis_manual.pdf |
1,600,086 |
2016/1/8 [15:05:04] |
Z80 EMUF (Einplatinen Mikrocomputer fuer universelle Festwertprogramm Anwendung)Informationen Siehe mc Artikel: Titel: Z80-EMUF Untertitel: Teil 1 und 2 Ausgabe: 1989/4 - Seite: 74 | Ausgabe: 1989/5 - Seite: 108 |
z80asm.pdf |
134,899 |
2000/12/7 [11:11:10] |
Z80ASM- Z80 Relocating Macro Assembler - USER'S GUIDE 1984 by SLR Systems | Z80ASM is a powerful relocating macro assembler for Z80-basedCP/M systems. It takes assembly language source statements froma disk file, converts them into their binary equivalent, andstores the output in either a core-image, Intel hex format, orrelocatable object file. The mnemonics recognized are those of Zilog/Mostek. The optional listing output may be sent to a diskfile, the console and/or the printer, in any combination. Outputfiles may also be generated containing cross-reference information on each symbol used. |
Z80_microprofessor_teil1.7z |
55,804,388 |
2017/3/22 [00:06:26] |
Z80_microprofessor_teil2.7z |
78,708,136 |
2017/3/22 [00:06:14] |
Zaks_Programmierung_des_Z80.pdf |
22,014,150 |
2017/1/25 [15:12:52] |
Dieses Buch wurde konzipiert als ein vollstaendiger in sich abgeschlossener Text zum Erlernen des Programmierens unter Verwendung des Z80. Es kann von allen gelesen werden, die auch bisher noch nicht programmiert haben. Von besonderem Wert sollte es fuer alle diejenigen sein, die den Z80 verwenden. |
Zaks_Programmierung_des_Z80_bw.pdf |
11,970,433 |
2017/1/25 [15:12:48] |
ocr'd |