

Some months ago i was surfing the net, searching for the sources (in C language) of a basic compiler capable to produce code for the Z80. I have not found what I tried, but instead i found a page that mentioned the existence of a BASIC compiler with multitasking ability developed initially on CP/M for the Z80.
I did not know the existence of this compiler and a specific search on the net has not given any result.
So i decided to contact the author of the software, the versatile Jack Gannsle (see
Mr. Ganssle very kindly has explained to me not to have good news: its “old” company, SoftAid, had been sold to Avocet Systems therefore enclosed the MTBASIC compiler and all the relative documentation.
Avocet however was only interested on SoftAid's line of emulators and so it had not saved anything relative to MTBASIC.
A bit discouraged i have written a post on comp.os.cpm having explained the things… and oplà a copy of the compiler has appeared.
Paul A. MacDiarmid (thanks Paul!!) not only has sended to me “a recent” version of the compiler, but he has also generously scannerized a complete copy of the original handbook, assembling a perfect document in PDF format.
Obviously the minimum i could do was to publish the received material.
MTBASIC has been revived!



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